Martes, Oktubre 1, 2013


 Philippine Literature is a diverse and rich group of works that has evolved side-by-side with the country’s history. Literature had started with fables and legends made by the ancient Filipinos long before the arrival of Spanish influence. The main themes of Philippine literature focus on the country’s pre-colonial cultural traditions and the socio-political histories of its colonial and contemporary traditions.
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
Philippine literature had evolved much before colonization. It is full of legends and tales of colonial legacy. Mexican and Spanish dominance over the land and the people, over varying periods of time, witnessed the incorporation of English, Spanish, Filipino and native languages, to express ideology and opinion. Literature in the Philippines developed much later than in most other countries. Evidence reveals the use of a script called Baybayin that flourished in 1521. Baybayin was used to write about legends, in Luzon, during Spaniard domination


II. Student Outline


II. Student Outline






III Own composition

III.Own Composition     

1.A summer river being crossed
how pleasing
with sandals in my hands!

2.Light of the moon
Moves west, flowers' shadows
Creep eastward.

3.In the moonlight,
The color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.

4.O snail
Climb Mount Fuji,
But slowly, slowly!

5.Trusting the Buddha, good and bad,
I bid farewell
To the departing year.

6.Everything I touch
with tenderness, alas,
pricks like a bramble.

7. Over the wintry
forest, winds howl in  rage
with no leaves to blow.

8.The crow has flown away:
swaying in the evening sun,
a leafless tree. 

9. In the coolness
of the empty sixth-month sky...
the cuckoo’s cry. - Masaoka Shiki

10.Whitecaps on the bay:
A broken signboard banging
In the April wind. - Richard Wright

out of the water
out of itself - Nick Virgilio

12.ground squirrel
balancing its tomato
on the garden fence - Don Eulert

13.As the wind does blow
Across the trees, I see the
Buds blooming in May

14.I walk across sand
And find myself blistering
In the hot, hot heat

15.Falling to the ground,
I watch a leaf settle down
In a bed of brown.

16.It’s cold—and I wait
For someone to shelter me
And take me from here.

17.I hear crackling
Crunch, of today’s new found day
And know it won’t last

18.Falling to the ground,
I watch a leaf settle down
In a bed of brown.

19.A cricket disturbed
the sleeping child; on the porch
a man smoked and smiled.

20.I'm turning over
look out and give me room there
you cricket, you. 

21. There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'
22. An afternoon breeze
expels cold air, along with
the fallen brown leaves.
23.Cherry blossoms bloom,
softly falling from the tree,
explode into night.
24.The warmth on my skin.
Fire falls beneath the trees.
I see the sun set.
25.Summer here again.
Music plays sweetly, drifting.
And life is renewed.
26.A winter blanket
covers the Earth in repose
but only a dream
27.An ocean voyage.
As waves break over the bow,
the sea welcomes me.
28. Refreshing and cool,
love is a sweet summer rain
that washes the world.
29.Love is like winter
Warm breaths thaw cold hearts until
one day the spring comes
30.A bird flies sweetly
on paper wings. Telling all
of my love for you.
31.Every day I will
love you more than you could know.
We are here as one.
32.The softest whisper
beckons me closer to you.
I love you, dearest.
33.Vast as a mountain,
my love for you shines through for
all the world to see.
34. One shark said to the
other when eating a clown
fish: this tastes funny.
35.The bartender said
to the neutron, “For you, sir,
there will be no charge.”
36.A question for you:
Where does Washington keep his
armies? His sleevies.
37.An octopus went
off to war. It’s a good thing
that he was well-armed.
38.A wise man once asked,
“Why, pray tell, is the sand wet?”
Because the sea weed.
39.The best way to carve
wood is extremely slowly,
whittle by whittle.
40. steady spring rain --
a tree takes shape
at dawn
41. steady spring rain --
a tree takes shape
at dawn
42. Haiku Guru teaches
sly juxtaposition tricks ~
I watch my sky ~
43. mossy rocks
radiant abloom on
a cloudy sky ~
44. incense moonlight
blooms tender lotus-silences ~
starry-sky incants air ~
45. I close my palm
hold tight a breeze, open it,
let out an emptiness ~
46.spring full-bloom on
car-rear-glass begins
a long pilgrimage ~
47.incense spring melts on
lucid river ~ country-boat dreams
floral path of light ~
48.spring breeze blazes
landscape in sunlight ~ sparrows
stream in, in melody ~
49.rhythm of Fire ~
articulate horizon brews
the first drizzle ~
50.the sacred drizzle ~
the birds have abandoned
the smell of earth ~
51.inverted mountain
dazzles on dawn-waters ~
breeze hum erases ~
52.verdant breeze envelope
spasms ~ solitary autumn
leaf gently falls ~
53.twilight village ~
temple bell blazes ~ sparrows
tingle silences in mist ~
2.Contrast poem
1. I am not a bottle of water so you cannot open me.
I am not a bottle of water so you cannot carry me.
I am not a bottle of water so you cannot drink me.
I am not a bottle of water so you cannot put water.
I am not a bottle of water so you cannot throw me when i'm empty.

2. I am not a soccer ball so you cannot play me.
I am not a soccer ball so you cannot hit me.
I am not a soccer ball so you cannot kick me.
I am not a soccer ball so you cannot throw me.
I am not a soccer ball so you cannot pass me.

3. I am not an airplane so you cannot fly high.
I am not an airplane so you cannot carry people.
I am not an airplane so you cannot travel in the sky.
I am not an airplane so you cannot fast your travel.
I am not an airplane so you cannot landed in the land.

4. I am not an alcohol so I cannot heal your wound.
I am not an alcohol so I cannot protect you in virus.
I am not an alcohol so I cannot used as solvent.
I am not an alcohol so I cannot us as a drug.
I am not an alcohol so I cannot used as cleaning solution.

5. I am not an algebra so you cannot solve me.
I am not an algebra so you cannot used equation.
I am not an algebra so you cannot used symbol such as positive and negative.
I am not an algebra so you cannot substitute X who asking Y.
I am not an algebra so you cannot hate me.

6.I am not a heart so you cannot pump your blood.
I am not a heart so you cannot connect in your nerve.
I am not a heart so you cannot beat a pulse.
I am not a heart so you cannot feel you.
I am not a heart so you cannot gave life.

7. I am not a baby so you cannot feed me.
I am not a baby so you cannot carry me.
I am not a baby so you cannot sing a lullaby.
I am not a baby so you cannot care me.
I am not a baby so you cannot put in the crib.

8. I am not an ATM so you cannot withdraw your money.
I am not an ATM so you cannot connected to a data system.
I am not an ATM so you cannot activate by a bank customer.
I am not an ATM so you cannot seen me in public place.
I am not an ATM so you cannot gave a banking services.
9.I am not a paper so you cannot cramped me.
I am not a paper so you cannot fold me.
I am not a paper so you cannot tear me.
I am not a paper so you cannot keep me.
I am not a paper so you cannot write on me

10.I am not computer so I cannot search me.
I am not computer so I cannot update me.
I am not computer so you cannot access you.
I am not computer so you cannot play with me.
I am not computer so I  cannot entertain you.

11.I am not cellphone so you cannot call me.
I am not cellphone so I cannot inform you.
I am not cellphone so I  cannot play you.
I am not cellphone so you cannot live me.

12.I am not  a dress so you cannot wear me.
I am not  a dress so you cannot keep me.
I am not  a dress so you cannot fold me.
I am not  a dress so you cannot change me.
I am not  a dress so you cannot gave me.

13.I am not a stuff toy so you cannot hug me when you sad.
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot hurt me when you feel bad.
I am not a stuff toy so I cannot comfort you
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot live me.
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot donate me.

14.I am not a TV so you cannot watch me.
I am not a TV so you cannot change me.
I am not a TV so I cannot inform you.
I am not a TV so you cannot volume me.
I am not a TV so I cannot entertain you.

15. I am not an Attorney so you cannot advice me.
I am not an Attorney so you cannot solve the cases.
I am not an Attorney so you cannot acting for other in a lawsuit.
I am not an Attorney so you cannot autorize me.
I am not an Attorney so you cannot Notarize me.

16.I am not an Doll so you cannot play with me.
I am not an Doll so you cannot take care of me.
I am not an Doll so you cannot make over me.
I am not an Doll so you cannot hug me when you feel sad.
I am not an Doll so you cannot undressed.

17.I am not an Bag so you cannot carry me.
I am not an Bag so you cannot keep me.
I am not an Bag so I cannot be their at your back.
I am not an Bag so you cannot keep all your things.
I am not an Bag so you cannot be with you all the time.

18.I am not an Medicine so you cannot drink me.
I am not an Medicine so you cannot take me.
I am not an Medicine so II cannot  heal you.
I am not an Medicine so I cannot make you feel better.
I am not an Medicine so I cannot
I am not an Medicine so I cannot

19.I am not a calculator so you cannot calculate me.
I am not a calculator so you cannot use to add.
I am not a calculator so you cannot use to minus.
I am not a calculator so you cannot use to multiply.
I am not a calculator so you cannot make easy to solve.

20. I am not a bike so you cannot hold me.
I am not a bike so you cannot set on me.
I am not a bike so you cannot paddle me.
I am not a bike so you cannot drive me.
I am not a bike so you cannot use to go easier.

21. I am not a flower so you cannot plant me.
I am not a flower so you cannot water me.
I am not a flower so you cannot care me
I am not a flower so you cannot make your garden beautiful.

I am not a flower so you cannot make your house fragrant.
23. I am not a bird so you cannot fly with me.
I am not a bird so you cannot create a nest.
I am not a bird so you cannot make a noise.
I am not a bird so you cannot find a worm.
I am not a bird so you cannot fly so high.

24. I am not a sun so you cannot see me.
I am not a sun so you cannot create heat.
I am not a sun so you cannot in the sky.
I am not a sun so you cannot give food to the plant.
I am not a sun so you cannot give a light.

25. I am not a leaves so you cannot protect in the sun light.
I am not a leaves so you cannot fall when autumn.
I am not a leaves so you cannot make a mess.
I am not a leaves so you cannot
I am not a leaves so you cannot

26.I am not a piggy bank so you cannot insert a coin.
I am not a piggy bank so you cannot save your money.
I am not a piggy bank so you cannot keep in the safe place.
I am not a piggy bank so you cannot open when you need money.
I am not a piggy bank so you cannot break me.

27.I am not a ruler so you cannot used to draw.
I am not a ruler so you cannot used to draw line.
I am not a ruler so you cannot draw vertical line.
I am not a ruler so you cannot draw horizontal line.
I am not a ruler so you cannot make straight line.

28. I am not a scissors so you cannot used to cut me.
I am not a scissors so you cannot used to cut paper.
I am not a scissors so you cannot used to cut paper doll.
I am not a scissors so you cannot used to cut shape.
I am not a scissors so you cannot used to cut flower.

29.I am not a sunglass so you cannot wear me.
I am not a sunglass so you cannot protect your eye in the sun.
I am not a sunglass so you cannot wear as a fashion.
I am not a sunglass so you cannot protect your eye in the dust.
I am not a sunglass so you cannot wear to hide your secret identities.

30.I am not a comb so you cannot used to  comb your hair.
I am not a comb so you cannot make your hair straight.
I am not a comb so you cannot look like a messy.
I am not a comb so you cannot make hair shine.
I am not a comb so you cannot use as a personal hygiene.
31. I am not a Jacket, so you cannot wear me.
I am not a Jacket, so you cannot  suit me.
I am not a Jacket, so you cannot cover me.
I am not a Jacket, so I cannot  cover you.
I am not a Jacket, so you cannot  coat me.
I am not a Jacket, so you cannot feel cold.
32. I am not a ingredient, so you cannot prepared me.   
I am not a ingredient, so you cannot boil me.
I am not a ingredient, so you cannot fried me.
I am not a ingredient, so you cannot toast me.
I am not a ingredient, so you cannot serve me.
33. I am not an Encyclopedia, so you cannot scan word.   
I am not an Encyclopedia, so you cannot find definition.
I am not an Encyclopedia, so you cannot look for a word.

I am not an Encyclopedia, so you cannot copy the important detail.
I am not an Encyclopedia, so you cannot give a new data.
34. I am not a Diamond, so you cannot shine on you.
I am not a Diamond, so you cannot bright on you.

I am not a Diamond, so you cannot put on the top of the ring.
 I am not a Diamond, so you cannot make a pendant.
I am not a Diamond, so you cannot gift to someone.
35. I am not a make up, so you cannot put in your face.
I am not a make up, so you cannot make you bloom.
I am not a make up, so you cannot make you beautiful.
I am not a make up, so you cannot make you younger.
I am not a make up, so you cannot make you attractive.
36. I am not a Pot, so you cannot put soil on me.
I am not a Pot, so you cannot plant a flower. I am not a Pot, so you cannot put a fertilizer. I am not a Pot, so you cannot watered me. I am not a Pot, so you cannot together with flower. 37. I am not a Pencil, so you cannot sharpened me. I am not a Pencil, so you cannot used me to draw. I am not a Pencil, so you cannot used me to write. I am not a Pencil, so you cannot make a line. I am not a Pencil, so you cannot substitute to the ball-pen. 38. I am not a Mirror, so you cannot put me in the wall. I am not a Mirror, so you cannot face me. I am not a Mirror, so you cannot copy your reflection. I am not a Mirror, so you cannot copy your attraction. I am not a Mirror, so you cannot copy your face. 39. I am not a Money, so you cannot put me in your wallet. I am not a Money, so you cannot invest me. I am not a Money, so you cannot deposit me. I am not a Money, so you cannot pay in your credits. I am not a Money, so you cannot use as instrumental exchange.
40. I am not a Fan, so you cannot used me. I am not a Fan, so you cannot hold me. I am not a Fan, so you cannot give air. I am not a Fan, so you cannot fold me. I am not a Fan, so you cannot keep me. 41. I am not a Flag, so you cannot locale different countries. I am not a Flag, so you cannot symbolize one state. I am not a Flag, so you cannot represent nationalities. I am not a Flag, so you cannot different color. I am not a Flag, so you cannot use for the message of one nation. 42. I am not a Foil, so you cannot used me. I am not a Foil, so you cannot cover food. I am not a Foil, so you cannot cover when it done to cook. I am not a Foil, so you cannot use for convenience. I am not a Foil, so you cannot make your food preserved. 43. I am not a Ship, so you cannot seen me in the ocean. I am not a Ship, so you cannot travel in the ocean. I am not a Ship, so you cannot carry cargo. I am not a Ship, so you cannot carry people to other place. I am not a Ship, so you cannot used me in the battle.
44. I am not a Handkerchief, so you cannot used me to wipe your tears. I am not a Handkerchief, so you cannot cover your nose. I am not a Handkerchief, so you cannot wipe your messy face. I am not a Handkerchief, so you cannot cover your nose when you are sneezing. I am not a Handkerchief, so you cannot cover your mouth. 45. I am not an Iron, so you cannot plug me. I am not an Iron, so you cannot heat me. I am not an Iron, so you cannot flat your dress. I am not an Iron, so you cannot unplug me. I am not an Iron, so I cannot make your dress presentable. 46. I am not a Flashlight, so you cannot turn me on. I am not a Flashlight, so you cannot make a light. I am not a Flashlight, so you cannot help to see your things in the dark. I am not a Flashlight, so you cannot charge when it runs out of battery. I am not a Flashlight, so you cannot use in the dark. 47. I am not a Bottle of Wine, so you cannot open my cork. I am not a Bottle of Wine, so you cannot put the wine on the glass. I am not a Bottle of Wine, so you cannot serve to the people. I am not a Bottle of Wine, so you cannot preserve in a year. I am not a Bottle of Wine, so you cannot protect the wine. 48.I am not a Color, so you cannot use me to color your drawing. I am not a Color, so you cannot make your work beautiful. I am not a Color, so you cannot presentable. I am not a Color, so you cannot colorful. I am not a Color, so you cannot artistic.
49. I am not a SIM, so you cannot insert me in your cellphone. I am not a SIM, so you cannot make your phone programmed. I am not a SIM, so you cannot send messages. I am not a SIM, so you cannot receive important calls. I am not a SIM, so you cannot entry important phone details. 50. I am not a Toothbrush, so you cannot put a toothpaste. I am not a Toothbrush, so you cannot deep in the water. I am not a Toothbrush, so you cannot brush your teeth. I am not a Toothbrush, so you cannot brush your tongue. I am not a Toothbrush, so you cannot used as personal hygiene.   

3. Turn-Around Poem

1. I used to write,But now I prefer to encode.
2.I used to watch romantic movies,But now prefer action movie.
3.I used to text my friend ,But now prefer chanting them.
4. I used to ride tricycle every morning,But now prefer to walk.
5. I used to watch TV, But now I prefer reading books.
6.I used to listen pop music,But now I prefer acoustic music.
7. I used to write pencil, But now I prefer ball pen.
8. I used to drink milk every morning, But now I prefer coffee.
9.I used to eat junk food,But now I prefer to eat healthy food.
10. I used to play video game,But now I prefer playing with my friend.
11. I used to diet,But now I prefer to exercise.
12. I used to reads comics,But now I prefer novel.
13. I used to cool my self in conditioner,But now I prefer electric fan.
14. I used to plant flowers in garden ,But now I prefer vegetables.
15. I used to care dog,But now I prefer kitten.
16. I used to paint view,But now I prefer taking pictures.
17. I used to wake up late in the morning ,But now I prefer earlier.
18.I used to wear long selves,But now I prefer short selves.
19.I used to wash my cloth every Saturday,But now I prefer everyday.
20.I used to write my reminder in calendar,But now I prefer in my note.
21.I used to put my thing in the table,But now I prefer to put in the box.
22.I used to eats can goods,But now I prefer to cooked food.
23.I used to study every Saturday,But now I prefer everyday.
24.I used to wear civilian n the school,But now I prefer uniform.
25.I used to write my note in binder,But now I prefer in my notebook.
26.I used to scan my assignment in book,But now I prefer in computer to search.
27.I used to hug my pillow,But now I prefer to hug my stuff toys.
28.I used to take vitamins,But now I prefer eat healthy foods.
29.I used to wash detergent bar in cloths,But now I prefer detergent powder.
30.I used to wear my old dress,But now I prefer my  new dress.
31.I used to wear jeans in go church,But now I prefer skirt.
32.I used plastic bottle when I drink, But now prefer I glass.
33.I used to save file in computer, But now I prefer in flash drive.
34.I used to wear cap to go out,But now I prefer to use umbrella.
35.I used to wear blue skirt,But now I prefer pink casual.
36.I used to drink concentrated juice, But now prefer calamansi juice.
37.I used to walk alone.But now prefer with company.
38.I used to put make up,But now prefer to be plain.
39.I used to wash plate in my hand,But now I prefer use glove.
40.I used to swim with my friend.But now I prefer to be alone.
41.I used to drink cold water, But now I prefer tap water.
42.I used to hang my dress,But now I prefer to fold in put in my closet.
43.I used to wear bracelet,But now I prefer to wear quart watch.
44.I used to hang-out at night,But now I prefer to stay in the house.
45.I used to put my groceries in plastics cellophane,But now I prefer in basket.
46.I used to attend mass every Sunday afternoon,But now I prefer Sunday morning.
47.I used to drive motor, But now I prefer bicycle.
48.I used to cook cookies,But now I prefer cakes.
49.I used to watch cartoon,But now I prefer news.
50.I used to paint butterfly,But now I prefer flowers.

4. Short-Story

Filipino mythology characters











Dian Masalanta 

          In the place of Kaluwalhatian, Bathala said to his lesser Divinities Idianale, Dumangan, Ikapati and Mapulon., that the wish of Esmael should be granted. Because of Esmael's kindness he deserves to received his blessing from Bathala. The first one who grant Esmael wish is Idianale, the Goddess of Labor and good deeds. He supervised Esmael in good ways to his every life. Then Dumangan , the diety of good harvest help him guide because of his kindness.Ikapati, the Goddess of cultivated land, his gift to man was agriculture, He grant Esmael a good source of land and agriculture. The last is Mapulon, God of Season, he grant Esmael wish to have a good season.

         Esmael is blessed of Bathala's grace because of his kindness and spreading his grace to other people. He gave his some foods to other people who is in need. He offered his vegetables, crops and fruits to Bathala for what he received from his bounty.

         One day Esmael are commanded to his Datu  to go hunt wild animals in the mountain. When  Esmael is ready , he stop for a while and praise to Bathala and he wish for safety. Bathala received the wish of Esmael then he call Dimakulem. Dimakulem is a strong and agile hunterwho became the guardian of created mountains. But the divinities of the lower world makes envy of Esmael. When Esmael is in the middle of forest, Sitah the chief of the lower world called Mankukulam. Mankukulam, emit fire at night as dark weather was not good. Mankukulam emit a fire to Esmael. Esmael did not get afraid of what Mankukulam doing because he knew that Bathala is always behind him to help in what danger. Esmael wish again to Bathala, Bathala sent Tala, the goddess of stars, Tala guide Esmael the way and protect him against the lower divinities.

       Esmael's hunting was successfully done he went home with a big smile on his lips while carrying wild animal he caught in the mountain. Datu give him a reward, a cultivated land and animal, Because of the blessing of Esmael.The goddess of lovers, Dian Masalanta give him a beautiful and caring wife to be with him. They have kids and they live happily ever after.